Monday, November 11, 2019

Some of the top painting questions answered

Some of the top painting questions we receive

We receive questions all the time about the painting projects we do. it seems there is a mystery on some things as contractors sometimes can be very secretive and not disclose everything that may or may not happen.

What we like to do is answer every possible question there may be, we have found it solves many issue s that may happen on job sites, reduce missed expectations and create a great template for a perfect project if there is such a thing.

So if you have any questions we have not addressed here we would LOVE to hear them, please send them over to us and we will add them to our list for our next video.

When your receiving multiple bids and speaking to different painting contractors or any contractors for that matter you will hear all kinds of things, from the way they will do your project, how they run their business to the types of products they will use. This is why it is so hard to compare proposals as we spoke about in this blog 

So sit back and enjoy the video we did, we hope it can help answer some of the painting questions that you may have.

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