Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sports Themed Epoxy Floors

Themed Sports Epoxy Floors

Epoxy floors are an amazing way to bring your loyalty to your sports team to life and in the first place, you come home to each day, your garage floor.

You have the big screen tv, the hat, the sweatshirt, the matching socks, and boxer shorts but do you have a custom sports epoxy floor?
An epoxy floor can protect your biggest investment, your home and the concrete in the garage is very important. From all the oil and grease that hits it daily to the hot tires and things being dropped on it, we have seen some concrete floors needing complete resurfacing and that is costly. 

Catch it early

We want to catch this early and protect the concrete and there is no better way than with an epoxy coating and by adding a flair such as your favorite team's colors and possibly their logo embedded into the epoxy is something not many other people will have, the ultimate fan space

Here is the process

Once we work with you to select the exact look you want we will make a plan tailored to your floor, no two floors are the same as they all require different preparation and products. Typically the process is as followed.

  • Remove the grease and oils from the floor
  • Diamond grind the concrete to promote adhesion 
  • Apply epoxy with flakes, full or partial 
  • Apply clear coat
  • Enjoy your floor 

How long will we need to wait to get back on the floor?

This depends on what products were used but typically 72 hours before you can put your vehicles back on the floor however we do also have products with a 24-hour turnover

There is a difference

What we have been seeing is lower pricing coming from other companies that is unbelievable and it certainly is, epoxy is measured in coating thickness and that is where we found they are saving, they are sacrificing the longevity of your floor to get you a lower price that sounds too good to be true, typically we have seen coating half the thickness of what we are using. This makes it hard to compare proposals, always ask how think of a floor you are receiving when it is dry.

How much will a floor like this cost?

The price of epoxy floors can vary greatly and it is mainly because of the prep needed or not needed.
Do you have a current coating on the floor? Even if you think there is nothing on it you could have a sealer on it, pour some water on the floor if it absorbs that is a good sign.
Was it trowled hard which closes the pores of the concrete and means we may need to grind which increases the cost slightly.
What are you using the garage for? Normal everyday use or will you be working on cars, welding or having heavy items on it? This all means we need to switch products.
Typically we have seen ricing in the $4-6 a sq ft area, maybe more but probably not less.
Add a logo? That also increases the cost of buying the vinyl as well as another added clear coat. 
Floors can be easily affordable and consider the money saved by not having to correct concrete issues down the road, also it will be easily washable now.

Call us

Ryan Amato Painting
Easton, Pa

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