Tuesday, February 2, 2021

 Painting kitchen cabinets and expecting touch-ups down the road

When your kitchen cabinets are outdated or old, but you are not willing to replace them, you should paint and update the cabinet. Paint can increase the beauty of anything; kitchen cabinets are no different . 

You will find the kitchen more refreshing after the painting on the cabinets. It can be tough to paint cabinets as it requires a tremendous amount of skill to paint them, paint on the cabinets is the fastest way to provide a facelift to a kitchen.

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However, it takes time but will indeed offer you satisfaction. Furthermore, cabinets in the kitchen get the everyday living's brunt. It is why a small amount of touch up paint on cabinets and rolling on a high end coating can increase the possibility of looking the cabinet new again.

This article will show you how to paint the kitchen cabinets and provide touch-ups to the cabinets.

Steps of painting kitchen cabinet

The kitchen is the heart of your home, but negligence in following any step may result in disaster for you. Take a long breath by following each step. The steps are here:

  • Wipe down empty cabinets with a degreaser and dry them.

  • Remove cabinet hardware and doors and make a map of the kitchen. Furthermore, label each part of the door by numbering each part.

  • Wipe your kitchen cabinet from the upper part to the lower leg.

  • Grab shop vac to remove any dust for finishing smoothly.

  • It would help if you went over your cabinets to make sure that all grit has been picked up.

  • Coat initially by primer will help the paint remain safe from chipping and peeling.

  • Paint the frame, shelves, drawers, and cabinets

  • Give 8 hours a coat to dry, then add another coat. 

  • After finishing the painting, allow the paint to dry completely. 

  • Reassemble the shelves, doors, and hardware after you match the locations.

Touch up cabinet paint

You could touch your kitchen's cabinet up if you had a small container or a can of paint when your cabinet was painted. If you sprayed them you may have some touch up issues

For wood cabinets, scratches, divots, and marks, a touch-up marker may blend into the rest of the paint. After doing all the work, you need to dry up the touch-ups.

You may use an alternative paint and can dab it to a partial area of the surface or your kitchen's cabinet. The process is being undertaken to hide nicks and serious gouges and alter the face of the decor of the kitchen altogether.


If you want to paint your kitchen cabinet, you need to follow its steps. Moreover, you can touch up the cabinets and downside easily and increase the kitchen's beauty. You would need to be creative, and you must understand the steps you need to take.

The cost of hiring an expert for painting kitchen cabinets is not inexpensive. That is the reason many people opt to paint cabinets by themselves by following the procedures. However the time and money saved by hiring a professional can outweigh the cost.

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