Monday, April 15, 2019

Top Tips When Painting Your Exterior

Top Tips When Painting Your Exterior

It feels like Spring and everyone gets excited to take a look outside and see what they need to do after a long winter

One of those things and a very important one is painting, painting not only makes your home look awesome it also protects the surfaces from the weather and moisture.

Without protecting your deck, siding or metal surfaces they can fall to any of the moisture they encounter each day.

What paint to use?

Do not cheap out here, good paint is not inexpensive but having to go back and correct things because you chose a cheap paint is, spend the extra money on a good quality 100% acrylic exterior paint from Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore 

What color to choose?

Watch the deeper colors, they tend to fade quicker, although they look awesome fading is a characteristic of the color and paint, again a better quality paint will not fade as quick

Do I need to prime the siding?

We are asked this all the time, a good quality 100% acrylic paint does not need a primer on a clean, sound and dull surface, bare wood we want to use a good oil based primer

Why power wash before painting?

Power washing is just a quicker means of cleaning the surfaces before painting, we caution not to use high pressure and you should stop your contractor from using any high pressure on your home, a professional contractor will be using a soft wash system which allows for a much lower psi than a normal pressure washer that can and will damage your home.

Know who your hiring

This is key, you should meet and speak with anyone your hiring and feel comfortable with them if you don't feel comfortable now before the project starts how do you think you will feel when the painting begins or an issue comes up?

Painting doesn't have to be hard but not choosing the correct paint or painter can make your project become a nightmare.

1 comment:

  1. That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good luck. exterior house painting
