Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Can you go lower in price?

Can you lower your price?

"We received your proposal, we are still getting other estimates but yours is the highest so far, can you do any better on your price?" John A. Easton,Pa

Thank you for emailing, we can certainly discuss the price, I am glad you reached out but first, can we review the time and conversation we had while I was out there?
You mentioned when I was there that quality was the most important thing to you. has that since changed?

The reason I ask is now you are comparing our proposal to price alone. in my experience comparing price alone only works when you're comparing the same product or experience, we do not feel anyone can match our experience, communication and value at all. were top quality products still important? someone to be available to answer any questions you may have?
Do the other companies have someone answering the phone 24/7 or allow you to text or chat with them?

Are their painter's employees or subcontractors? Not knowing who will do your project until they scramble to find someone? These are all questions you should ask not to mention the insurance and workers compensation needed to protect your amazing house or business.

There are certainly more things. the un saids that are important such as training our painters, safety and knowledge and relationships in the painting industry that we bring.

If this has all changed please send us the other proposals and we will review and make sure we all match one another in promises, experience and being able to give you the project you hope for the price promised by others.

Ryan Amato 

This is a real conversation guys, one we get frequently and we always answer the same way, we're not a commodity, we are offering our experience and training over the years and the value our companies bring. don't let under cutters threaten you, they are just disrupting the market with sales pitches, getting things done in one day the lowest price etc.
there aren't many shortcuts that can be taken that will not effect your projects. there will always be a lowest price but at what expense.?

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