Thursday, October 31, 2019

What happens when it rains for painters?

What happens when it rains for a painter?

Rain happens, it's going to rain that is for sure but what happens to painting companies or any contractor who works on exterior projects?

Managing any schedule for the service industry is difficult to start with, then throw in rain, snow, ice, call-offs and you have a big puzzle to put together while minimizing upset clients.

We realized years ago the schedule will never be perfect and to try to make it perfect will only create disappointment from all ends, you will be upset as the contractor you can't make everyone happy and the clients will be happy as you try to throw painters on every project, when you react like that and make decisions quick you will have projects that are not manned accordingly or with the quality they deserve.

So what do you do? 

You need to manage the expectations of the clients on the initial estimate and keep letting them know how the schedule works, no one customer is more important than the others, some will bark, grumble and groan but as long as they knew the process before they accepted the project there should not be an issue.

We give broad date ranges, that is the only way unless you have an unlimited amount of staff to cover all projects and no one does. By giving broad date ranges you never lock yourself in until a week or so before the actual start date. Even at that point if it rains and a job is ushed back it ushes back all the jobs behind it even if they are interior projects.

There is simply no other way

This is the fairest way for all clients to get their work done in a professional and punctual way while minimizing disruptions. It will still not be perfect and you will continually be reassuring clients how the schedule is going, you must have great communication. The moment a client feels you have not communicated doubts creep in and then you will be explaining things again.

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